Periodontal disease diagnosis
Your dentist may screen for and control periodontal disease from the very early stage through regular dental checkups. Periodontal examination includes:
Besides overviewing your medical history to identify any factors that could be contributing to your symptoms, the dentist starts probing depth measurements. A dental probe instrument is placed beside your tooth beneath the gum line to measure the pocket depth of the groove between your gums and teeth. This is taken at several sites in your mouth. The space is small (usually smaller than 3 millimeters) if your mouth is healthy while the pocket develops deeper indicates periodontitis. Deeper pockets trap more dental plaque and harmful bacteria colonization, which makes teeth easily bleed and prevents good oral hygiene practice.
Dental X-rays are required to examine the alveolar bone beneath the gum and other abnormalities that eyes can not spot out.
Negative effects of gum disease (periodontal disease)
Gum disease occurs at any age. It is considered as the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Many researches have figured out that the unfavorable effects that periodontal disease brings about on both dental health and general health are significant. In fact, It is proven to be associated with other health issues including:
- Heart disease
- Stroke – The presence of periodontitis increases the risk of stroke which occurs when blood clots obstruct normal blood flow
- Periodontal disease causes premature birth or low birth weight risk in pregnant women
- Diabetes – the association between periodontitis and diabetes goes both ways: Periodontitis may influence capacity of blood glucose control, and patients who suffer from diabetes may be more susceptible to bacterial infection, leading to periodontitis.
- Respiratory diseases
Why is it necessary to treat periodontal disease early?
It is a terrible threat to teeth existence, which may put your teeth at risk of loss no matter how old you are. Although gum disease is a sneaky, progressive disease, early treatment ensures the reversibility of the condition. More concerning issue is that, teeth loss due to periodontal disease bring negative impacts on dental health. That’s why it is necessary to treat periodontal diseases in early stage
- Cause difficulties in chewing and speaking
- Besides aesthetics, people also lose self-esteem due to halitosis
- Pain, discomfort
- Teeth loss that is not replaced leads to displacement of surrounding dentistry
- Bone deterioration
- Mass teeth loss
- Teeth replacement options are costly
How to prevent periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is complex progressive oral condition which is irreversible in advanced stage. Prevention is the best only method to protect your oral health and overall well-being.
- Brush and floss your teeth: Brush after every meal and floss at least once a day properly
- Have your teeth professionally cleaned by the dentist regular. Recommended interval between 2 cleanings is 6 months for healthy teeth. This time may be shortened if your teeth are susceptible to oral diseases
- Regular full checkup with the dentist to spot out gum disease in early stage
- Use supplementary mouthrinse to protect the gums
- Understand your risk of periodontal disease such as hereditary, age, smoking and dietary choices. This understanding supports your dentist to offer you proper periodontitis prevention plan or treatment.